Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- Where were they in 1909?

I've done a post like this a couple years ago. I was a lot of fun. Thanks Randy for bringing it back.

1) Which of your ancestors were alive in 1909?

For me it's not my grand parents but my great gandparents who were alive in 1909. That is except for one exception. My great grandmother Lillie Lutitia Hoard wasn't born until 1910. She was my mother's maternal grandmother. Lillie's parents were Thomas Miller Hoard and Martha Ellen McCombs Hoard. My mother's maternal grandfather James Martin Hayes though was aliveas were his parents James Martin Hays and Mary Jane Vest Hays. Then for my mother's paternal grandparents.... Frank Roe was alive as were his parents Jerry and Rachel Roe. As well as May Elizabeth Rollette. My father's grandparents were all alive.....Ewing Richard Woolsey, Mary Joan Williamson (both paternal grandparents) and John Hugh Jenkins and Leota Morton (both maternal grandparents). Mary Joan Williamson's mother died that year. Some of the others I don't know when they died or if they were alive that year. A couple were though.

2) Tell us where your ancestral families were living in 1909. What country, state, county, city/town, etc. Who was in the family at the time? Use the 1910 census as "close enough."

3) Have you found each of these families in the 1910 census?

4) Write a blog post about your response. Or write a comment to this post.

5) Have fun. Learn something!
