Puckerbrush Award

I was shocked to find that Judith of Genealogy Traces awarded me the Janice Brown Puckerbrush Blog Award. Judith did an amazing job of pulling together the history of the award and of the word "puckerbrush" in her post The Janice Brown Puckerbrush Blog Award for Excellence so I'll let you visit this wonderful blogger and read it from her post instead of trying to slaughter it by trying to rewrite it myself. I sure enjoy reading Judith's blog and now thanks to her post I now have a few more on my list that I will enjoy reading. If only I had enough time to do all of that reading. There are just way too many wonderful bloggers out there when it comes to genealogy, but I will try to nominate a few of my favorites.
  1. Lisa of 100 years in America does a wonderful job of writing about her Croatian history here in America. I enjoy reading this blog from time to time. Ironically 100 years in America celebrated a two year Blogoversary this last week! Stop by and wish her another great year of telling us her New York history.
  2. Miriam Midkiff of AnceStories: The stories of my Ancestors has been an absolute inspiration to me. She not only is a wonderful genealogy bogger, but she also is a great research, teacher, and also keeps me updated on local events involving genealogy. I don't know what I would do without her. Probably be lost!! Thanks Miriam for all you have done.
  3. Now this one is great for a wonderful laugh. I just recently discovered Dead Man Talking author of Blogging a Dead Horse of Portland, Oregon. He is also a fellow Grave Yard Rabbit. I'm so glad I found the time that day to read a few new bloggs. Dead Man talking and I share a common interest. We are drawn to grave yards by an unexplainable force. he is lucky to have a wife who shares this interest as well. When ever they see a sign in Oregon for a grave yard, even if off the beaten path, they go for it. I'll look forward to such a time in my life when I'm not wrangling the kids, killing my feet at work, and have some time to just take a drive and visit graveyard. I love to read about his escapades to these sacred places.
  4. Now this one is special to my heart. Though she is not a genealogy blogger, she is still a wonderful writer and worth reading. She is a part of history today and loves to write about her adventures and accomplishments at NASA. She is Desiree Sylvia author of Space Princess & The Boron Bunch. She has been a life long friend (since high school). I miss her all the time, since now she is down in Southern California in the heat of the desert that I can't tolerate very well and I'm up here in North Idaho in knee deep snow in the winter that scares the bajebbers out of her
Then of course there are the ones that most of us know whom have already received the award like Randy Seaver, Thomas MacEntee,and of course Judith, so I'll stop here. I've got some kids to round up, a grocery list to finish and many many photos still to scan as people are now sharing their photos with me and even giving me the originals because they feels I will care for them and preserve them for the family and future generations. I just backed up all my genealogy and photo files on my computer last night. So there is at least one thing off of my list. Again Judith thank you for this wonderful thought. Oh and by the way it's all not as hard as it looks to be a mother, work full time and do what I love. I had to learn to make a schedule if I didn't want my husband constantly complaining that I spend too much time doing what I love with my research and my blog and not enough time on the house, kids and of course him. So I have certain times I spend on the computer during the week, time set aside for house cleaning, and then I work in the evening. Then on the weekend if he is home we find something to do together as a family, but lately I've had the weekend to spend on the computer because he has been at the shop rebuilding one of our vehicles that has been broke down, leaving me with out a car for months. But hopefully "fingers crossed" I will have a vehicle by Monday "fingers still crossed"


Greta Koehl said…
Rats, Judith beat me to the punch. Well, I love your Madness Monday so well, I also nominated you at http://gretabog.blogspot.com/2009/06/puckerbrush-award-for-excellence.html.
geneabloggers said…
Congratulations on your award Amy!
Thank you so very much, Amy. I am so happy that you enjoy reading. I'm also a fan of your blog. Keep up the good work!

100 Years in America
Small-leaved Shamrock
A light that shines again
Carnival of Irish Heritage & Culture
I'm glad you found this Lisa. I've been so busy that I haven't had time to go let everyone know that I put them on my list. Thanks for a wonderful blog.
Unknown said…
Thank you, thank you, thank you!