Google Your Ancestors

Okay call me silly. But I was doing this all wrong. I remember my Aunt kept telling me to Google my ancestors. Well I would be found that to be useless since the only thing I would find it reference to them in Roots sometimes or maybe and individuals family website. Usually it was in places I had already discovered. So I gave up on that method of research.

Then I visited the Family History Center in Hayden, ID yesterday and ran in to a great bunch of ladies. One of them suggested that if I am going to Google my ancestors I need to put there name in " " and then anything else like the wife or location outside of the quotes.

I was so excited when I got home I couldn't wait to try it. I was working on the MILLARD family, descendants of Ben MILLARD, "The Father of the Badlands" of SD. So I first tried it in searching for Ben MILLARD. It worked! I found so many articles about him! Now I'm off to try it on some of my family.

I also had a great time at the Hayden Lake Library yesterday too. Wednesday afternoon is Genealogy day at the Library. There is always a volunteer from the society there to help. I had a great time visiting and talking to others there researching even though I didn't find anything for the families I'm working on.

Now my plan it to visit the Library and probably the Family History Center in Hayden every Wednesday. Also I'll try to make it to the next society meeting on September 20th at the museum in Coeur d'Alene at 7PM.
