Genealogy Chat & Forums Part III, DragonFlaire

Okay I have another one for you. Now this one isn't really genealogy, but it's scrapbooking. All of you know that we work so hard to gather all of our information about our family history, but what do we do with it?

Scrapbooking or digital scrapbooking are a great way to preserve the history we have found. So here is a new forum for you. DragonFlarie Studios is a great place to go and discuss ideas on scrapbooking. Learn to use photo shop, digital scrapbooking techniques, and if you are still the old fashion scrapbooker it's a great place for you. This forum accommodates all of us who have the desire to preserve what we have discovered about our family for future generations to cherish. Hence Heritage Makers' tag line DISCOVER*PRESERVE*CHERISH.

I've joined the forum, but I haven't had a lot of time to play around with it, but I will. So come on and join us. Let's discover all the ways we can preserve our memories. Even if you haven't discovered the memories of past generations you should still make the effort to preserve your memories for future generations to cherish. We must all start somewhere.

Don't forget you don't have to make a mess on the dinning room table to preserve your memories. If you are like Heritage Makers is a great way to use your computer to make beautiful books that will last through the generations. Visit my website at Untangled Family Roots.
