Fearless Females - March 24 Inherited Traits

This is Me on the floor in front, hubby on the right of me. My brother is in the back, and of course my parents between us.
What you can't see in this photo is where the curly hair comes from, but you can see that I get my red hair from my mother. My dad at this point has lost all of his, otherwise you'd be able to see the head full of curls he once had. His nick name as a child was "Cotton Top" because of his almost white blond hair that was full of kinky curls. We also know where he got those curls. It's in the picture below.

Not only was my dad called Cotton Top, but he use to call me his little lion. When I was young I kept my hair braided, but when it was down it use to puff out and give me this big red main of hair.
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