Madness Monday, Michael Oliver Jenkins 1824- 1905

Michael Oliver Jenkins is my 3rd great grandfather. I have been searching for his family for more than four years. As in the case of my gg grandfather William Woolsey, it's as though he life also does not start until he married. I often expect to encounter this hurdle with my female ancestors, but I seem to be encountering this with my male ancestors quit often. So in order to break down this brick wall, I sat down and wrote out his Biographical Outline as I know it.
Biographical Outline of the Life of M.O. Jenkins
- 4 Apr 1824 Michael Oliver Jenkins was born in Lincoln, NC.
- 31 Aug 1848 Michael married Mary Ann Freshour in Greene Co., TN.
- 29 Oct 1850 Michael and Mary are in the 1850 Federal Census of 9th Division, Greene Co., TN. Living next door are Mary's parents Joseph and Catherine.
- 30 Nov 1851 Catherine Barbara Jenkins was born to Michael and Mary.
- 25 Nov 1851 Michael is listed as one of two executors on a will dated on this date for John Stephens who was Mary's uncle through her mother Catherine Stephens. (Will probated 7 March 1853).
- 22 Nov 1853 John Stephens Jenkins (my 4th great grandfather) was born in Greene Co., TN.
- Abt 1855 Ann Jenkins was born
- Abt 1857 Mollie T Jenkins was born
- Abt 1860 Sallie C Jenkins was born
- 11 Jun 1860 Michael and Mary along with the four children listed above are in the 1860 Federal Census living in Limestone, Greene Co., TN. Living next door is Joseph and Catherine, Mary's parents.
- Abt 1861 Missouri P Jenkins was born.
- 27 Sept 1862 M.O. Jenkins (also known as Oliver) enlisted as a Private in Co I, 64th North Carolina Infantry and fought in the Civil War until 1864. He later became a Sargent and later became part of Co E, 16th Battalion Tennessee Cavalry. It appears that his records continue until July of 1863. I'll elaborate more on this set of records later.
- Abt 1865 William O Jenkins was born
- Abt 1867 Lavina Elizabeth Jenkins was born
- Abt 1870 Lucinda J Jenkins was born
- Abt 1876 Joseph A Jenkins was born.
- 28 Jun 1880 Michael O and the family are enumerated in Precinct seven in the county of Eratt, Texas. The only child not with them in this census is the oldest Catherine Barbara Jenkins, whom I'm sure was already married by this time.
- 24 Jan 1905 M. O. Jenkins died. According to the family in Oklahoma, but his body was taken back to Erath Co., TX and buried beside Mary who died 5 May 1892.
- 1848 Greene Co., TN marriage record, page 277, record 1479 shows M. O. Jenkins married to Mary Freshour on 31 Aug 1848.
- Civil War records. There are too many to list everything, but to summarize most of these were from the muster rolls. All of them can be found on footnote, under the name Oliver or M.O Jenkins. He enlisted 27 Sept 1862 and the records continue on until 31 July 1863. He was a Private then a Sargent and last his title simply says D. S. which I can only assume is Drill Sargent? Please correct me if I'm wrong. He started out in Co. I, 64th North Carolina Inf. and was last in Confederate Co E, 16 Batt'n (Neals) Tennessee Cavalry. I also noted that in the Cavalry he was enlisted with a W. R. Jenkins (who was a deserter) and and E.T. Jenkins. I need to look into these two men further. They may be related and may lead mo to the family of M.O. Jenkins. It's top on my list.
- 1850 Federal Census 9th Division, Greene Co., TN, pg 204, family 1200, dwelling 1200 is Michael and wife Mary. Next door in dwelling 1201 is Mary's family the household of Joseph Freshour. Michael is a Carpenter and is listed as born in NC. Also living in Dwelling 1206 is Mary's uncle Jacob Stephens, and living in the home of Jacob is another uncle John Stephens.
- 1860 Federal Census, Limestone Springs, Greene Co., TN. series M653, Roll 1252, page 374, family 275, dwelling 275 M. O Jenkins age 35, male, Farmer born in North Carolina. Also listed is wife Mary age 28 and their first five children. Again living next door in dwelling 276 is Mary's father, Joseph Freshour.
- 1880 Federal Census, Precinct Seven, Eratt Co., TX, page 3011?, dwelling 246, family 249, Michael O. Jenkins age 55, Farmer born in NC as well as both parents.
- Photo of his headstone that he shares with his wife Mary in Hannibal Cemetery, Hannibal, Erath Co., TX. I also just received a photo from a very generous lady showing Mary's original headstone still standing beside the one they share. It's broken and leaning against the base, but it's still there.
- Find W.R. Jenkins and E.T. Jenkins from NC or TN enlisted in the Civil War around the same time as Michael.
- Still missing and need to find census for 1900, 1870, 1840 and 1830. Though the last two I may not discover until I know the name of his father.
- Record of his death. I'd like to know where he really died, if in TX or OK. I may need to find if there are records for the Hannibal Cemetery which may reveal this information.
If the body was brought to TX from out of state, the cemetery may have a record of where it came from.
I do find it strange, however, that he doesn't appear in the 1900 census in TX or OK under any spelling using the search tricks I know.
I have seen his name misspelled, so I expect that is the problem in finding him in 1900 because I know he didn't die until 1905.
I do need to check with the cemetery. I think I will do that next. Thanks for your tips!
Catherine Barbara Jenkins married John Bell Moring
"Black Dutch - mystery solved!
townwlfhwk added this on 19 Jul 2009
Patrick Henry Moring (John's father), after getting out of jail for mule stealing, left his wife and 6 kids. He remarried, moved "down by the
river" and raised another large family.
John Bell Moring married the daughter of the wagonmaster of a passing oxen train in Tennessee, hopped aboard, and ended up in Texas. There may be some letters from JBM while he was in Yankee war prison.
The mother of the ox train driver, Michael Oliver Jenkins, was an Indian who had been raped by a white man. "Black Dutch" was a euphemism for mixed blood."
Source for this story:
I had planned to send off for MO or Mary's wills (I did find an abstract of her probate)when I had the money, but I've not been able to.
I am descended through John Stevens son, John Hugh, who's daughter Oliva Joyce Jenkins was my grandmother.
I look forward to hearing from you.