Who Is That? Mystery Carnival

Welcome to the February 2, 2007 edition of who is that?.

Thanks to the contributors of these great stoies. I look forward to seeing more of these for our next carnival. As you will find their are mysteries in our genealogy that may never be answered. There are clues that we may find about our ancestors only to find it creates more questions than answers. It is a part of the genealogical hunt. But we genealogist enjoy that hunt and it keeps us thinking about what it must have been like in our ancestors live.

But what we also need to think about is preserving our own history, so that our descendant will have the privialge of knowing who we are and what our life was like. So that they may know the answer and not have a note book for of questions about our life.

Here are a couple great sites to visit who have shared their stories of mystery.

Reb Chaim HaQoton presents Marriage and Divorce in Egypt posted at Reb HaQoton, saying, "This essay discusses some of the details surrounding the marriage of of Moses' parents detailing his genealogy and the genealogy of his siblings. Amram, the father of Moses, is shrouded in mystery, and this essay offers a small insight into who he was." I didn't expect a biblical mystery when I started this carnival. But this one is great! Have you ever wondered if there was more to the story then the bible tells? If so, here's a great site to check out.

family stories

Gillian Polack presents gillpolack: I am very pleased with life today. For o posted at Even in a Little Thing, saying, "During a visit to family, I encountered a bunch of papers concerning an uncle (Max Rose) and his death in World War II." This is a very touching story about his uncle lost in WWII. Just like myself many genealogist have the frustration of finding clues only to end up with more questions than answers about our ancestors.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
who is that? The next edition will be post on March 2, 2007. I look forward to many more great stories.
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