Saturday Night Fun - True Confessions of a Genealogy Junkie

I couldn't resist playing this question game by Randy at Genea-Musings. This could be fun.

1. When did you start genealogy research? Jan 2005

2. Why did you start doing research? It's a funny story how I got started. First I always had an interest but never knew where to start or how to find the time. Then one day just after my daughter was born I was watching "Little House on the Prairie" I had read all the books as a child and still watch the reruns today. But I got curious as to what was on the web about the real Laura Ingalls. So I started looking. Before I knew it I ran into and advertisment for about finding my own history. So I signed up for the two week free trial and then spent endless hours on the phone with my mother-in-law, and some with my mom and her twin........ and here we are today with lots of happy new discoveries and many more to come.

3. What was your first big success in research? The day I found the family of my husbands grandmother as well as where her mother was buried. It was her only wish that she be able to know more about her mother, her family and visit her grave. We were able to make that dream come true for her a couple summers ago.

4. What is your biggest genealogy regret? That I didn't start this before all my grandparents were gone. The last one died in 2004, Olivia Joyce Jenkins Woolsey. She is the one that a credit for planting that little seed of curiosity and yet I never took the time to find out more from her before she became ill.

5. What are you best known for in the genealogy world? My willingsness to volunteer and help other when ever I have the time.

6. What is your professional status in genealogy? Not certified, though that is a dream of mine. For now I enjoy doing pro-bono work from friends and family, and learning something new all the time.

7. What is your biggest genealogy achievement? Not only finding hundreds of my husbands ancestors (who were unknown to his parents, they didn't have or know their history) as well as my own family (which was partially found by Aunts), but also for helping a few other family put together their family history who wanted to know, but just didn't have the time, know how, patients or the money to make it happen.

8. What is the most FUN you've had doing genealogy? All of the other fellow genealogist that I meet and especially the new family members that pop up and say "hey I think we are related through........" I love getting those emails.

9. What is your favorite genealogy how-to book? Two really, Dead Fred has one on his site you can download and was a big help to me early on. The other one is The Organized Family Historian by Ann Carter Fleming It has helped me so much to get organized so I can acomplish more of my goals.

10. What notable genealogist would you like to meet someday? Megan Smolenyak

There you are - talk about yourself for a change! Go forth and blog about your True Confessions of a Genealogy Junkie! Or write a comment to this post.
