DNA Genealogy

There has been a great deal of discussion in the recent past about DNA Genealogy. I've been looking into it myself as a way to further trace and possibly prove my husband Native American Heritage.

I sent off for a free packet through Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation to do our DNA. I'm working on gathering all the needed information in order to submit our family tree with the DNA test. It's a very simple test. All you have to do is swish some mouth wash in your mouth, spit back into the cup, seal it up and ship it back to SMGF. You will also need a four generation pedigree to submit with it. Which is a bit of a problem for both my husband and I since one branch each only goes back to our great grandparent. But I'm going to see if they will except it with the rest of the pedigree finished.

Here is also a video about Genetic Genealogy that you may also find interesting and helpful. Genetic Genealogy like the Internet is the wave of the future and will hopefully help all of us in moving forward with our research and breaking down those formidable brick walls.

Tracing Your DNA: Genetic Genealogy Defined


I just recently sent off my request for a kit so I can send my DNA sample to the Sorenson DNA Data Bank. Can't wait for it to come. I know it may take a year for my results to be included online but that's alright.