Onine Genealogy Classes!

I always look forward to getting my Family Tree Magazine. It came in on Saturday while I was at the Genealogy Conference. Of course it's not that important to my husband who let it get burried under the movies, remodel projects and everything else we have going on right now. So I was excited when I started dusting the furniture (which doesn't do much good when you are remodeling) and uncovered it.

While looking through the magazine I came across this little article about new online classes. Yes I know there are a lot of online genealogy classes, but a great deal of them are very expensive. According to the article this class is only $29.95 for a four-week course and you can download two lessons every week, and email your instructors. Better yet are the gals teaching the class; Lisa A Alzo (very knowledgable. I have her website bookmarked), Linda Rakita and professional genealogist Cindy Rowzee.

I think this is worth looking into, called GenClass. They have classes from the basic getting started in Genealogy, to the advanced digging deep, and even ethnic research.

I think I will do this a little later. It's called money, something I'm low on right not. Not that I even have the time between my business, the kids, and a remodel. If only I had more time and money to enjoy my true passion, aaahhhhhhh! Oh well, maybe some day when the kids are grown. Lets just say that when that day comes, this woman won't be setting around the house wondering, now what shall I do with myself. No I will be jumping up and down saying "what part of the country do I want to go research in first!?" Ok time to come back to reality. Jamie is only two so that's a ways off.

Anyway if anyone looks into this class please report back and let me know what you think of it.
