16 June 2024

Unveiling the Paternal Lineage of Michael Oliver Jenkins Continued

In the realm of genealogical exploration, every discovery, whether through traditional paper trails or modern DNA analysis, adds new dimensions to the stories of our ancestors. The journey to uncover the paternal lineage of Michael Oliver Jenkins is a testament to the intricate web of familial connections that span generations.

Introduction to the Quest

Recently, I delved deeper into the DNA research surrounding Michael Oliver Jenkins, utilizing advanced tools such as the WATO (What Are the Odds) tool on DNA Painter. This tool has proven invaluable in constructing a DNA connection tree, aimed at unraveling the mystery of Michael's paternal heritage by testing various hypotheses.

Insights from the WATO Tool

The WATO tool has provided compelling insights, indicating that David Jenkins, born in 1790, emerges as the most likely candidate to be the biological father of Michael Oliver Jenkins. With a calculated probability of 55.04%, David Jenkins stands out as a strong genetic match based on shared markers and familial connections.

Despite the statistical favor towards David Jenkins, the shadow of another candidate looms large—Hugh Jenkins, born in 1788. While historical records suggest Hugh never had other children, intriguing clues from Joseph’s will hint at a possible familial controversy, potentially involving an illegitimate child—an aspect that complicates the search for Michael Oliver Jenkins' true paternal ancestor.

Exploring Hypotheses

Three hypotheses have been meticulously examined to shed light on Michael Oliver Jenkins' paternal lineage:

  1. Hypothesis 1: Hugh Jenkins (b. 1788) as the Father

    • Likelihood: 20.16%
    • Despite the absence of other documented children, the possibility of Hugh Jenkins being Michael's father cannot be dismissed, fueled by historical context and the intriguing language in Joseph’s will.
  2. Hypothesis 2: David Jenkins (b. 1790) as the Father

    • Likelihood: 55.04%
    • The WATO tool strongly supports David Jenkins as the most probable father, backed by significant genetic evidence and familial connections.
  3. Hypothesis 3: 1st Cousin of David and Hugh (a son of Samuel Jenkins) as the Father

    • Likelihood: 24.80%
    • This hypothesis introduces complexities in familial relationships, suggesting a scenario where a son of Hugh Jenkins could potentially be Michael Oliver Jenkins' biological father.

Conclusion: Unraveling the Mystery

As I continue to navigate through the historical records and genetic data, the search for Michael Oliver Jenkins' paternal lineage remains both captivating and challenging. Each hypothesis brings us closer to understanding the intricate tapestry of his ancestry, yet questions persist, urging further exploration and collaboration with fellow genealogists.

I will continue to delve into the mysteries of Michael Oliver Jenkins' lineage, driven by the belief that every piece of the puzzle brings us closer to understanding our Jenkins lineage. My next plan is to try the new tool BanyanDNA and compare the two. I hope to find more insight with this new tool.


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