So Young, Yet Such a Man

Once again, it's time for another #52Ancestors post. I've written about my 3x great-grandfather many times. Firs,t because he was such a mystery to all of us, but now that I've solved the mystery, I write about him because his life was what novels are made of.

William George Woolsey was born in Iowa on 15 Dec 1865, to Richard W Woolsey and Charollette Ann (Beck) Woolsey. William refused to talk about his parents or his family. When asked by his children and grandchildren where he was from or who his parents were, his response was, "I was born in Iowa and ran away as a young lad from an abusive Irish stepmother, and that's all I'm going to say about that." Well, he was successful in keeping the family, for generations, from finding out about his past until a couple years ago when someone saw a post I put on a forum and knew about a William Woolsey in their family who was born in Iowa and ran away from home. When we began putting the pieces together, we all understood why.

In order to understand William's hatred for his parents we need to back up in time a bit. At the time of William's birth, the Civil War had just ended. Charlotte lost her first husband and the father of her first three children on 3 Apr 1863, John Nolan. Richard Woolsey, too, had suffered the loss of his first wife, Alice Susan (Buck) Woolsey, in 1862. Richard and Alice had six children. It would appear from the trail of records that Richard and Charlotte were devastated and lost after their first spouses died.

Richard then married Charlotte on  6 Sep 1863 in LaGrange, IN. Then William was born two years later into a very large blended family. I'm not sure what went wrong, but by 1870, Richard is no longer in the picture. He and his six children are living in Creswell, Cowley, KS. Shortly after this, Richard built the first hotel in Arkansas City, KS, known then as the Woolsey House, and he, in turn, was endearingly known as Uncle Dick. I have never found a record of divorce, but clearly, they were no longer together because Charlotte was living in Lincoln, Linn, KS, with her four children, William being one of them and only four years old at the time.

By 1875 Charlotte is still living in Lincoln, KS, but now under a new name. She is in the home of James Kennedy (Kenneda). She is listed as C.A. Kennedy. James has three children from a previous marriage, Charlotte has her three Nolan children and William Woolsey, and then together, James and Charlotte have an eight-month-old Ella. Dear Lord, talk about a blended family of monstrous proportions. Poor William must have really felt left out, being the only Woolsey in the home. Charlotte then died in Linn County on 13 Apr 1876 at the age of 38.

At this point William is left without a mother and has a father chasing gold across the country. William is only 11 years old at this point. Even if his father was not a part of his life, it became clear that at least his Woolsey half-siblings were when I found him in the 1880 census living in the home of his half-sister Eva (Woolsey) Brown. In this census, he is enumerated by his middle name, George. What I find strange is that he is listed as a boarder instead of half-brother-in-law. Then again, when you look at that title, I can see why the border was just easier to record. At one time in his life, he mentioned that he named two of his daughters after his sisters, Eva and Minnie; however, Minnie turned out to be a niece, a daughter of his half-sister Caroline, but close enough. 

I don't find Richard in the 1875 Kansas State Census, probably because he has caught "gold fever" and is off chasing his pot at the end of the rainbow. In 1880, however, Richard was in Sauk City, Whatcom, WA. He is just one of the many miners hoping to strike it rich. I don't know when Richard left Sauk City. What I have been able to determine is that the original Sauk City was destroyed by fire (all except the general store of George Perrault) in 1889. I wouldn't be surprised if Richard threw in the towel and took off at that point, but unfortunately, that is likely lost with time.

Sometimes before 1900, Richard started mining in Faulkner, Sierra, New Mexico, where he was enumerated in 1900 on the US Census. I think it's very likely that he has been there for many years. He had an established mine and was again well-known in the area. In some newspaper accounts, Hillsboro is mentioned. Faulkner no longer exists and Hillsboro is an unincorporated town, basically a ghost town. I'd love to go visit this old mining ghost town some time. It's where he spent his last years until he fell ill. He was then brought home to Arkansas City, KS, by his children, where he died 21 Oct 1908. In his obituary, each of his children is mentioned, including William, whose "whereabouts are unknown."

At no point do I ever find any indication that Richard was involved in his life. At least Eva was, though no one knows for how long he was able to be with his Woolsey siblings. This mystery drove me crazy for years, and if it hadn't been for someone from the other side of that story in the family, I may never have solved it. Message boards have brought about such breakthroughs on more than one occasion. When you have a mystery, don't forget to use the message board. You never know who will be reading and knows the other half of the story you are looking for.

The amazing part is that John Woolsey, who solved the mystery when he found my post, was also born and raised in the same town in Modesto, CA, as I was. He told me one time that he had asked his dad before if he was related to the Woolsey's in the phone book, and it turns out that he was. The Woolsey names he had seen and asked about were my grandfather and father (and his siblings). It makes you realize what a small world we live in and that we may be more closely related to our neighbors than we realize.
