Family History Center, Hayden, Idaho

Yes, I've been very busy lately. Up until about three weeks ago I was working ten hour shifts as well as working on my customers families in what ever spare time I could find. Now we are lucky if we will get 24 hours a week at work. But that's okay. I need the time to catch up on my research at home and starting this month I'm busy with my ProGen Study group as well.

I had to make time to post this today though. I went yesterday to the Hayden, ID FHC branch. I had been there a couple others time, but with the kids. So I had never stayed long in the past. My daughter is now in preschool, so I was able to go there alone and not take along any disruptions.

I walked in and Julia introduced herself and asked what she could help me with. I told her about my current project in Lee Co., VA, but I didn't divulge the fact that this was a commissioned job. As some of you may have read before I had a less than pleasant experience with the local genealogical society while at the Hayden Lake Library because I do commissioned and volunteer work for others. Well after a bit I did tell her that it was a commissioned job, and her and another gal there said that was great! I couldn't believe my ears. They were supportive of the fact that I was helping others, even if I make some money at it. I even laughed and said, "I'm not getting rich at it, but it's finally great to make a little money at something I love to do so much."

Julia pulled down some books and we became more familiar with the geographical surroundings of Lee Co., VA. Then she took me to their computer room and we got to work. She first showed me, what I had yet to figure out on my own, how to look for microfilm that I may want to view, what numbers I needed and other information to place an order. Now I can do that part from home!!! Thanks Julia. Then to my surprise she started looking on different websites to see what she could find of the family I was working on. We actually found bits and pieces together on the family and I may have solved the one mystery of a mixed up spouse. Now I'm just waiting for the microfilm to come in so I can find the piece of proof I need to prove that mystery once and for all.

Then I got an even bigger surprise. I went in there expecting to pay for the microfilm. But no, not now!!! They have a benefactor (I don't know if that's just local or nation wide. I was too excited to ask) that was hoping by supporting them and covering those cost they would be able to get more patrons to come to the center and work on their family history. Surprisingly their visits really haven't increased, but maybe that will change eventually.

I will certainly be going back to the Hayden FHC. I enjoyed my two hours there and look forward to more. If I have a choice between the company and help of these lovely ladies over the attitude I get from one particular person at the Genealogical section at the Hayden Library, I will go to the FHC. By the way my issue isn't with all of Kootenai Genealogical Society. Some of those ladies were great as well, but I seem to keep running into the one who has an issue with me helping others.
