Tombstone Tuesday - Issac Knight

Issac T. Knight
born February 24, 1861
died April 18, 1905

According to the Moore Family Tree on Issac was born in England and died here in Harrison, Idaho where he is buried in the Harrison cemetery. It appears that he may have been the only one of his family to come to the US. The rest of his family remained in England from what I can see of this tree.

The headstone was in pretty bad shape. I could not make out the symbol at the top or the inscription at the base.


Anonymous said…
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JamaGenie said…
Don't you just wonder why Isaac was the only one to come to America? And how did he end up in Idaho? These are the questions that more often than not have fascinating answers - if you can find them!
Unknown said…
I know the information on Isaac Knight.
Unknown said…
I was at the Cemetery today 3/13/10,Isaac Knight is my Great Grandfather, and I am going to give you some FREE information.
JamaGenie..He was never alone, he came to Canada with his aunt/uncle and his youngest sister,after most of them were burnt to death in a mill fire. He brought pictures and stories we all learned over the years. To this I am born the Storyteller in our family, to write find and share, and pass to the next Storyteller.
Yes, the headstone is dirty, but somehow I think you would show some wear yourself if you had just been sitting on the ground for over a hundred years. If you are indeed Root digger, You have much to learn, because, that headstone has 4 sides to it, It is shared by a daughter who died 4 monthes before he did. Possibly a broken heart for he loved all his children and wife very much. OPPPS she is named on that headstone also. missed that too. He was a man who wore many hats, from a lace weaver, to a cowboy to a woodsman. When he died his wife married a woodsman from Harrison, celeste W. Smith, who had two daughter, and when she died, my grandmother raised her brothers and her stepsisters. They each kept in touch with each other through their life, and I knew them each before they died. I know them better now.
I know where they wait.
If you are a root digger, I fear you need to stop and look down, and around and under. My native heritage taught me that a long time ago.
This man now has 7 generations, No he was never alone.
I know that Harrison museum has several years of newspapers with alot of history. I gave them a huge collection about 15 years ago.
I have Isaac's history back to 1234.complete. and there isn't one moore in it.
JamaGenie said…
Sandy, I believe you meant to direct your comments to Amy, who posted the photo of Isaac Knight's tombstone.

Have a great day.
Unknown said…
JamaGenie, You are right, I was not directing my comment at you. I was assuring you that there was a man with a story and a family. How wonderful it is to find answers.
My point was to a person who seen a dirty grave stone and didn't truely look at it. I do not know either of you.
If she wants to trace others peoples lives for a living, she needs to step back and learn to read the signs. I have been doing this for 60 years and I'm still learning. I spend hours working on little missed information. I took pictures of that same stone and you can read it. If you are involved in genealogy you leave no leaf unturned, I have found from years of practice that you can get print to read on a 200 year old headstone, or even wood using the correct items.

Thanks for sharing all of this information. I never truly researched this person. The headstone caught my attention as I was loading up my three kids to leave. I shot a photo of it. Not only that, but they were in the process of cleaning the stones when I visited. They have done a great deal more to clean them since. You are right, I'm still learning. I don't claim to know it all. But there is one thing I truly love about the genealogy community as a whole. We like to share, and that was all I was doing here was to share what little information I had at the time. I didn't take the time to research this person because I currently have no real reason to do so. But I know how much I appreciate every little piece, no matter how small, of information I find on the internet about the families I am looking for. So thanks to all of your wonderful information I'm sure someone will come along and be very happy that you took the time to post the information and that I have the photo. When I have someone that I have a real reason to research I don't leave a stone unturned. I do everything I know to find what I can. If you have a blog, please share it with me. If you have been doing this for 60 years then I'm sure there is much I could learn from you.
