Our New Addition

Well we finally got one. Not exactly an English Bulldog, but close. Rocky on the right is a White English Bulldog. We went yesterday to pick one out. The family was very happy to allow us to bring our dog Sareena to help us choose a new family member. Rocky had two other brothers still left looking for homes. There was a very cute one with tan spots, but he was very shy and a bit scared of my three rambunctious kids. Then there was anther boy who came out and played, was very sweet and the first to catch my eye. He had bigger patches of black around his eyes and solid black ears, but is was Rocky who won not only James' heart but quickly adopted Sareena and was accepted by her. They quickly paled up and have stuck together every since. Now we have the arduous task of house breaking the little guy.
For now I must get ready for work and make sure the last minute cleaning is done in my house since the in-laws will be here tonight to visit for a week or so.
If anyone is interested in a puppy like Rocky just email me here and I will give you information to contact the gal who is trying to find two more good homes for Rocky's brothers. They have another litter of puppies on the way so they are in a hurry to find them homes.