The Axe, the Machete, and the Scalpel: A Writer’s Journey
Oh, my dear readers and fellow book lovers! I come to you today with ink-stained fingers and a heart full of literary triumph! I have been working FEVERISHLY on my book, "His Greatest Regret." I wrote about this a week or so ago—how I was struggling with this book because I had to scrap some of my chapters not once but TWICE. That's very painful when you spend hours writing, reading, editing, and then take the axe to it. There's nothing quite like the agony of watching your precious words disappear into the abyss of the "deleted scenes" folder. It's like watching your favorite dessert fall face-down on the floor before you've had a single bite! But I breathed deeply through the pain and did what was necessary to make this book something you will enjoy reading. I channeled my inner lumberjack, swinging that literary axe with tears in my eyes but determination in my heart! And would you believe it? After the pain was over, I realized I had come up with...