From Researcher to Storyteller: My Journey

After more than 20 years as a genealogist, I've traced nearly six complete generations of my family history. What began as research has evolved into something new. I now find myself drawn to telling the stories behind the names and dates I've collected over two decades of research and DNA studies.

My mind constantly buzzes with narratives waiting to be shared. I've summarized these stories here on my blog, or held friends and family hostage with my stories over the years. Now, I'm ready to expand these tales into something more substantial that everyone can enjoy.

Fiction Grounded in Fact

Every character in my books is real (though I occasionally create fictional collateral characters), and I strive to maintain historical accuracy in locations and time periods. Of course, I can't know the exact conversations my ancestors had or precisely how they interacted with one another—until someone invents that elusive time machine, all I can do is craft their "story." That's why they're novels, but each contains significant elements of truth gleaned from records, newspaper articles, photographs (when available), and stories passed down through generations.

Where It All Began

My journey began in childhood, though I never had the chance to truly know my grandfathers, who passed when I was young. Even with my grandmothers, who lived longer, we rarely discussed family history. However, I remember just one conversation with my paternal grandmother when she mentioned a connection to Daniel Boone, though she admitted she didn't fully understand the link herself. Between that family legend and my childhood love for Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Little House on the Prairie" series, I developed a burning desire to uncover my true ancestral stories.

As it turned out, I'm not directly related to Daniel Boone, but there was a collateral line in my family with a connection to him through another branch. I think that's what my grandmother had seen but didn't quite comprehend, just as she'd said. Nevertheless, this misunderstanding fueled my passion to discover my authentic ancestral stories.

Current Projects

One of those fascinating ancestors is the subject of my current book project, which follows the short story "A Mother's Last Gift." Without giving too much away for those still reading, I'll just say that her husband was even more intriguing and has provided me with abundant material to work with.

Thank you for joining me on this journey from research to storytelling. I look forward to sharing more of my family's remarkable history with you.

Book Recommendation: If you enjoyed "A Mother's Last Gift", you may also enjoy this amazing group of authors and stories: Yesterday's Story Ends at Sunset
